Almost all businesses are currently at a loss due to Corona. In such a situation, if you are thinking about investing money in the stock market so that your earnings can increase, but you are not able to understand in which shares it would be right to invest money. So today we will give you information about such stocks in which you can earn profits by trading today.
1. Deepak Fertilizers: Buy - Rs 140, Target - Rs 55, Stoploss - Rs 138
2. Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals: Buy- Rs 59.15, Target Rs-65, Stoploss-Rs 59
3. GNFC: buy -166 rupees, target -180 rupees, stoploss-165 rupees
4. SPIC: Buy-Rs 20.30, Target-Rs 24, Stoploss-Rs 20
5. Mangalore and Chemical Fertilizers: Buy -34.40 rupees, Target-40 rupees, Stoploss-34 rupees
6. UCO Bank: Buy - Rs 14, Target - Rs 16, Stoploss - Rs 13.75
Before investing money in the stock market, you must understand that as much profit as the shares can give you, as much as you may have to bear the loss due to them.
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